
class unreal.AnimationCompressionLibraryDatabase(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: Object

An ACL database object references several UAnimSequence instances that it contains.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: ACLPlugin

  • Module: ACLPlugin

  • File: AnimationCompressionLibraryDatabase.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • anim_sequences (Array[AnimSequence]): [Read-Only] The anim sequences contained within the database. Built manually from the asset UI, content browser, or with a commandlet.

  • highest_importance_proportion (float): [Read-Only] What percentage of the key frames should remain in the anim sequences.

  • lowest_importance_proportion (float): [Read-Write] What percentage of the key frames should be moved to the database. Least important key frames are moved first.

  • max_stream_request_size_kb (uint32): [Read-Write] The maximum size in KiloBytes of streaming requests. Setting this to 0 will force tiers to load in a single request regardless of their size.

  • medium_importance_proportion (float): [Read-Write] What percentage of the key frames should be moved to the database. Medium importance key frames are moved second.

  • preview_visual_fidelity (ACLVisualFidelity): [Read-Write] The level of quality to preview with the database when decompressing in the editor.

  • strip_lowest_importance_tier (PerPlatformBool): [Read-Write] Whether or not to strip the lowest importance tier entirely from disk. Stripping the lowest tier means that the visual fidelity of Highest and Medium are equivalent.

classmethod get_visual_fidelity(database_asset) ACLVisualFidelity

Get Visual Fidelity


database_asset (AnimationCompressionLibraryDatabase) –

Return type:


classmethod set_visual_fidelity(world_context_object, latent_info, database_asset, visual_fidelity=ACLVisualFidelity.HIGHEST) ACLVisualFidelityChangeResult

Initiate a latent database change in quality by streaming in/out as necessary.


result (ACLVisualFidelityChangeResult):

Return type:
