
class unreal.BodySetup(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: BodySetupCore

BodySetup contains all collision information that is associated with a single asset. A single BodySetup instance is shared among many BodyInstances so that geometry data is not duplicated. Assets typically implement a GetBodySetup function that is used during physics state creation. see: GetBodySetup see: FBodyInstance

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: BodySetup.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • agg_geom (KAggregateGeom): [Read-Write] Simplified collision representation of this

  • bone_name (Name): [Read-Only] Used in the PhysicsAsset case. Associates this Body with Bone in a skeletal mesh.

  • collision_reponse (BodyCollisionResponse): [Read-Write] Collision Type for this body. This eventually changes response to collision to others *

  • collision_trace_flag (CollisionTraceFlag): [Read-Write] Collision Trace behavior - by default, it will keep simple(convex)/complex(per-poly) separate *

  • consider_for_bounds (bool): [Read-Write] Should this BodySetup be considered for the bounding box of the PhysicsAsset (and hence SkeletalMeshComponent). There is a speed improvement from having less BodySetups processed each frame when updating the bounds.

  • default_instance (BodyInstance): [Read-Write] Default properties of the body instance, copied into objects on instantiation, was URB_BodyInstance

  • double_sided_geometry (bool): [Read-Write] If true, the physics triangle mesh will use double sided faces when doing scene queries. This is useful for planes and single sided meshes that need traces to work on both sides.

  • never_needs_cooked_collision_data (bool): [Read-Write] TODO Chaos this is to opt out of CreatePhysicsMeshes for certain meshes Better long term mesh is to not call CreatePhysicsMeshes until it is known there is a mesh instance that needs it.

  • phys_material (PhysicalMaterial): [Read-Write] Physical material to use for simple collision on this body. Encodes information about density, friction etc.

  • physics_type (PhysicsType): [Read-Write] If simulated it will use physics, if kinematic it will not be affected by physics, but can interact with physically simulated bodies. Default will inherit from OwnerComponent’s behavior.

  • walkable_slope_override (WalkableSlopeOverride): [Read-Write] Custom walkable slope setting for this body.