
class unreal.ChaosClothAssetTransferSkinWeightsMethod

Bases: EnumBase

EChaos Cloth Asset Transfer Skin Weights Method

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: ChaosClothAssetEditor

  • Module: ChaosClothAssetDataflowNodes

  • File: TransferSkinWeightsNode.h

CLOSEST_POINT_ON_SURFACE: ChaosClothAssetTransferSkinWeightsMethod

For every vertex on the target mesh, find the closest point on the surface of the source mesh and copy its weights.



INPAINT_WEIGHTS: ChaosClothAssetTransferSkinWeightsMethod

For every vertex on the target mesh, find the closest point on the surface of the source mesh. If that point position is within the search radius, and their normals differ by less than the specified normal threshold, then the vertex weights are directly copied from the source point to the target mesh vertex. For all other vertices whose weights didn’t get transferred, smoothed weight values are automatically computed.
