
class unreal.LevelSequenceExporterUsdOptions(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: Object

Options for level sequences to the USD format.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: USDImporter

  • Module: USDExporter

  • File: LevelSequenceExporterUSDOptions.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • end_frame (int32): [Read-Write] Final frame of the level sequence to bake out to USD (inclusive)

  • export_level (bool): [Read-Write] Exports the provided level alongside the layer that represents the exported Level Sequence

  • export_subsequences_as_layers (bool): [Read-Write] The effect of subsequences is always included on the main exported layer, but if this option is true we will also export individual sublayers for each subsequence, so that they can be used by themselves if needed.

  • level (World): [Read-Write]

  • level_export_options (LevelExporterUSDOptionsInner): [Read-Write]

  • override_export_range (bool): [Read-Write] If checked will cause StartFrame and EndFrame to be used as the frame range for the level sequence export. If unchecked the existing playback range of each level sequence will be used instead.

  • re_export_identical_assets (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to export any asset (StaticMesh, Material, etc.) even if the existing file already describes the same version of a compatible asset. This is only checked when bReplaceIdentical is set on the asset export task. Otherwise we’ll never overwrite files.

  • re_export_identical_levels_and_sequences (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to export levels and LevelSequences even if the existing files already describe the same versions of compatible assets. This is only checked when bReplaceIdentical is set on the asset export task. Otherwise we’ll never overwrite files.

  • selection_only (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to export animations exclusively from selected actors or components

  • stage_options (UsdStageOptions): [Read-Write] Export options to use for the layer where the animation is emitted

  • start_frame (int32): [Read-Write] Initial frame of the level sequence to bake out to USD (inclusive)

  • time_codes_per_second (float): [Read-Write] Value to bake all generated USD layers with

  • use_exported_level_as_sublayer (bool): [Read-Write] If checked this will also add the exported level as a sublayer to the USD files emitted for all exported level sequences

property end_frame: int

[Read-Write] Final frame of the level sequence to bake out to USD (inclusive)



property export_level: bool

[Read-Write] Exports the provided level alongside the layer that represents the exported Level Sequence



property export_subsequences_as_layers: bool

[Read-Write] The effect of subsequences is always included on the main exported layer, but if this option is true we will also export individual sublayers for each subsequence, so that they can be used by themselves if needed.



property level: World




property level_export_options: LevelExporterUSDOptionsInner




property override_export_range: bool

[Read-Write] If checked will cause StartFrame and EndFrame to be used as the frame range for the level sequence export. If unchecked the existing playback range of each level sequence will be used instead.



property re_export_identical_assets: bool

[Read-Write] Whether to export any asset (StaticMesh, Material, etc.) even if the existing file already describes the same version of a compatible asset. This is only checked when bReplaceIdentical is set on the asset export task. Otherwise we’ll never overwrite files.



property re_export_identical_levels_and_sequences: bool

[Read-Write] Whether to export levels and LevelSequences even if the existing files already describe the same versions of compatible assets. This is only checked when bReplaceIdentical is set on the asset export task. Otherwise we’ll never overwrite files.



property selection_only: bool

[Read-Write] Whether to export animations exclusively from selected actors or components



property stage_options: UsdStageOptions

[Read-Write] Export options to use for the layer where the animation is emitted



property start_frame: int

[Read-Write] Initial frame of the level sequence to bake out to USD (inclusive)



property time_codes_per_second: float

[Read-Write] Value to bake all generated USD layers with



property use_exported_level_as_sublayer: bool

[Read-Write] If checked this will also add the exported level as a sublayer to the USD files emitted for all exported level sequences

