
class unreal.MassMovingAvoidanceParameters

Bases: MassSharedFragment

Mass Moving Avoidance Parameters

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: MassAI

  • Module: MassNavigation

  • File: MassAvoidanceFragments.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • end_of_path_avoidance_scale (float): [Read-Write] How much to tune down the avoidance towards the end of the path. Range: 0..1

  • end_of_path_duration (float): [Read-Write] The time the agent is considered to be near the end of the path when approaching end. Range: 0..3

  • environment_predictive_avoidance_stiffness (float): [Read-Write] Predictive avoidance force stiffness between agents and walls. Range: 400..1000 N/cm

  • environment_separation_distance (float): [Read-Write] Environment separation force effect distance. The actual observed separation distance will be smaller. Range: 0..200

  • environment_separation_stiffness (float): [Read-Write] Environment separation force stiffness between agents and walls. Range: 200..1000 N/cm

  • obstacle_detection_distance (float): [Read-Write] The distance at which neighbour agents are detected. Range: 200…600

  • obstacle_predictive_avoidance_stiffness (float): [Read-Write] Predictive avoidance force stiffness between agents and obstacles. Range: 400..1000 N/cm

  • obstacle_separation_distance (float): [Read-Write] Separation force effect distance. The actual observed separation distance will be smaller. Range: 0..100

  • obstacle_separation_stiffness (float): [Read-Write] Separation force stiffness between agents and obstacles. Range: 100..500 N/cm

  • predictive_avoidance_distance (float): [Read-Write] Predictive avoidance force effect distance. The avoidance force is applied at the point in future where the agents are closest. The actual observed separation distance will be smaller. Range: 0..200

  • predictive_avoidance_radius_scale (float): [Read-Write] Agent radius scale for anticipatory avoidance. Making the scale smaller makes the agent more eager to squeeze through other agents. Range: 0.5..1

  • predictive_avoidance_time (float): [Read-Write] How far in the future the agent reacts to collisions. Range: 1..3, Indoor humans 1.4, outdoor humans 2.4 (seconds).

  • separation_radius_scale (float): [Read-Write] Agent radius scale for separation. Making it smaller makes the separation softer. Range: 0.8..1

  • standing_obstacle_avoidance_scale (float): [Read-Write] How much to tune down the avoidance when an obstacle is standing. This allows the agents to pass through standing agents more easily. Range: 0..1

  • start_of_path_avoidance_scale (float): [Read-Write] How much to tune down the avoidance at the start of the path. Range: 0..1.

  • start_of_path_duration (float): [Read-Write] The time the agent is considered to be near the start of the path when starting to move. Range: 0..3

  • static_obstacle_clearance_scale (float): [Read-Write] Agent radius scale for avoiding static obstacles near wall. If the clarance between obstacle and wall is less than the scaled radius, the agent will not try to move through the gap. Range: 0..1