
class unreal.MovieGraphPipeline(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: MoviePipelineBase

Movie Graph Pipeline

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: MovieRenderPipeline

  • Module: MovieRenderPipelineCore

  • File: MovieGraphPipeline.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • on_movie_pipeline_shot_work_finished_delegate (MoviePipelineWorkFinished): [Read-Write] This callback will not be called by default due to performance reasons. You need to opt into this (via scripting in MoviePipeline or in the node in Movie Graph) by setting FlushDiskWritesPerShot to true in the output setting for this job’s configuration.

    Called after each shot is finished and files have been flushed to disk. The returned data in the params struct will have only the per-shot metadata for the just finished shot. Use OnMoviePipelineWorkFinishedDelegate if you need all of the metadata.

  • on_movie_pipeline_work_finished_delegate (MoviePipelineWorkFinished): [Read-Write] Called when we have completely finished this pipeline. This means that all frames have been rendered, all files written to disk, and any post-finalize exports have finished. This Pipeline will call Shutdown() on itself before calling this delegate to ensure we’ve unregistered from all delegates and are no longer trying to do anything (even if we still exist).

    The params struct in the return will have metadata about files written to disk for each shot.

get_current_job() MoviePipelineExecutorJob

Returns the internal job being used by the Movie Graph Pipeline, which is a duplicate of the job provided originaly by Initialize. This allows scripting to mutate the job/configuration without leaking changes into assets or the original user-defined queue entry.

Return type:


get_current_traversal_context(for_shot=True) MovieGraphTraversalContext

Get Current Traversal Context


for_shot (bool) –

Return type:


get_initialization_time() DateTime

Returns the time this movie pipeline was initialized at.

Return type:


get_initialization_time_offset() Timespan

The offset that should be applied to the GetInitializationTime() when generating the {time} related filename tokens. GetInitializationTime() is in UTC so this is either zero (if you called SetInitializationTime) or your offset from UTC.

Return type:


get_renderer_instance() MovieGraphRendererBase

Used occasionally to cross-reference other components. Don’t call this unless you know what you’re doing.

Return type:


get_time_step_instance() MovieGraphTimeStepBase

Used occasionally to cross-reference other components. Don’t call this unless you know what you’re doing.

Return type:


initialize(job, init_config) None


on_movie_pipeline_finished_impl() None

On Movie Pipeline Finished Impl

set_initialization_time(date_time) None

Override the time this movie pipeline was initialized at. This can be used for render farms to ensure that jobs on all machines use the same date/time instead of each calculating it locally. Clears the auto-calculated InitializationTimeOffset, meaning time tokens will be written in UTC.

Needs to be called after ::Initialize(…)


date_time (DateTime) – Expected to be in UTC timezone.