
class unreal.NiagaraRibbonRendererProperties(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: NiagaraRendererProperties

Niagara Ribbon Renderer Properties

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: Niagara

  • Module: Niagara

  • File: NiagaraRibbonRendererProperties.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • allow_in_cull_proxies (bool): [Read-Write]

  • cast_shadows (bool): [Read-Write] When disabled the renderer will not cast shadows. The component controls if shadows are enabled, this flag allows you to disable the renderer casting shadows.

  • color_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for color when generating ribbons?

  • curve_tension (float): [Read-Write] Defines the curve tension, or how long the curve’s tangents are. Ranges from 0 to 1. The higher the value, the sharper the curve becomes.

  • custom_vertices (Array[NiagaraRibbonShapeCustomVertex]): [Read-Write] Vertices for a cross section of the ribbon in custom shape mode.

  • draw_direction (NiagaraRibbonDrawDirection): [Read-Write] Controls the order the ribbon segments will be rendered.

  • dynamic_material1_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for dynamic material parameters when generating ribbons?

  • dynamic_material2_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for dynamic material parameters when generating ribbons?

  • dynamic_material3_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for dynamic material parameters when generating ribbons?

  • dynamic_material_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for dynamic material parameters when generating ribbons?

  • enable_accurate_geometry (bool): [Read-Write] Disables two-sided forced rendering (Will still respect material settings) MultiPlane will double geometry count to have triangles facing both sides. With this off MultiPlane will switch normal direction to face view. 3D Ribbons will render like normal meshes with backface culling enabled.

  • facing_mode (NiagaraRibbonFacingMode): [Read-Write]

  • material (MaterialInterface): [Read-Write] UNiagaraRendererProperties Interface END

  • material_parameters (NiagaraRendererMaterialParameters): [Read-Write] If this array has entries, we will create a MaterialInstanceDynamic per Emitter instance from Material and set the Material parameters using the Niagara simulation variables listed.

  • material_random_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for MaterialRandom when generating ribbons?

  • material_user_param_binding (NiagaraUserParameterBinding): [Read-Write] Use the UMaterialInterface bound to this user variable if it is set to a valid value. If this is bound to a valid value and Material is also set, UserParamBinding wins.

  • max_num_ribbons (int32): [Read-Write]

  • motion_vector_setting (NiagaraRendererMotionVectorSetting): [Read-Write] Hint about how to generate motion (velocity) vectors for this renderer.

  • multi_plane_count (int32): [Read-Write] Number of planes in multiplane shape. Evenly distributed from 0-90 or 0-180 degrees off camera facing depending on setting

  • normalized_age_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for normalized age when generating ribbons?

  • platforms (NiagaraPlatformSet): [Read-Write] Platforms on which this renderer is enabled.

  • position_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for position when generating ribbons?

  • renderer_enabled_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Binding to control if the renderer is enabled or disabled. When disabled the renderer does not generate or render any particle data. When disabled via a static bool the renderer will be removed in cooked content.

  • ribbon_facing_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for ribbon facing when generating ribbons?

  • ribbon_id_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for ribbon id when generating ribbons?

  • ribbon_link_order_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for RibbonLinkOrder when generating ribbons?

  • ribbon_twist_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for ribbon twist when generating ribbons?

  • ribbon_uv_distance (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for ribbon distance traveled for use in UV operations when generating ribbons?

  • ribbon_width_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for ribbon width when generating ribbons?

  • screen_space_tessellation (bool): [Read-Write] If checked, use the ribbon’s screen space percentage to adaptively adjust the tessellation factor.

  • shape (NiagaraRibbonShapeMode): [Read-Write] Shape of the ribbon, from flat plane, multiplane, 3d tube, and custom shapes.

  • sort_order_hint (int32): [Read-Write] By default, emitters are drawn in the order that they are added to the system. This value will allow you to control the order in a more fine-grained manner.

    Materials of the same type (i.e. Transparent) will draw in order from lowest to highest within the system. The default value is 0.

  • tessellation_angle (float): [Read-Write] Defines the angle in degrees at which tessellation occurs. Ranges from 1 to 180. Smaller values increase amount of tessellation. If set to 0, use the maximum tessellation set above.

  • tessellation_factor (int32): [Read-Write] Custom tessellation factor. Ranges from 1 to 16. Greater values increase amount of tessellation.

  • tessellation_mode (NiagaraRibbonTessellationMode): [Read-Write] Defines the tessellation mode allowing custom tessellation parameters or disabling tessellation entirely.

  • tube_subdivisions (int32): [Read-Write] Number of vertices/faces in a tube.

  • u0_override_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for UV0 U when generating ribbons?

  • u1_override_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for UV1 U when generating ribbons?

  • use_constant_factor (bool): [Read-Write] If checked, use the above constant factor. Otherwise, adaptively select the tessellation factor based on the below parameters.

  • use_geometry_normals (bool): [Read-Write] When enabled the ribbons normals will follow the shape of the geometry rather than being aligned to screen / custom facing.

  • use_gpu_init (bool): [Read-Write] Whether we use the CPU or GPU to generate ribbon geometry for CPU systems. GPU systems will always use a fully GPU initialization pipeline, Will fall back to CPU init when GPU init isn’t available.

  • use_material_backface_culling (bool): [Read-Write] When enabled the ribbons renderer will not override how backface culling works depending on shape type, but instad use the material culling mode

  • uv0_settings (NiagaraRibbonUVSettings): [Read-Write]

  • uv1_settings (NiagaraRibbonUVSettings): [Read-Write]

  • v0_range_override_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for UV0 V when generating ribbons?

  • v1_range_override_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for UV1 V when generating ribbons?

  • velocity_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for velocity when generating ribbons?

  • width_segmentation_count (int32): [Read-Write] Tessellation factor to apply to the width of the ribbon. Ranges from 1 to 16. Greater values increase amount of tessellation.