/*====================================================================== Animation file data structures Copyright 1997-2003 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ========================================================================*/ // Stub to outline FQuat, which we won't fully define here... class FQuat { public: FLOAT X,Y,Z,W; }; // class FVector { public: FLOAT X,Y,Z; }; // A bone: an orientation, and a position, all relative to their parent. struct VJointPos { FQuat Orientation; // FVector Position; // FLOAT Length; // For collision testing / debugging drawing. (unused) FLOAT XSize; FLOAT YSize; FLOAT ZSize; }; // Binary animation info format - used to organize raw animation keys into FAnimSeqs on rebuild // Similar to MotionChunkDigestInfo.. struct AnimInfoBinary { ANSICHAR Name[64]; // Animation's name ANSICHAR Group[64]; // Animation's group name INT TotalBones; // TotalBones * NumRawFrames is number of animation keys to digest. INT RootInclude; // 0 none 1 included (unused) INT KeyCompressionStyle; // Reserved: variants in tradeoffs for compression. INT KeyQuotum; // Max key quotum for compression FLOAT KeyReduction; // desired FLOAT TrackTime; // explicit - can be overridden by the animation rate FLOAT AnimRate; // frames per second. INT StartBone; // - Reserved: for partial animations (unused) INT FirstRawFrame; // INT NumRawFrames; // NumRawFrames and AnimRate dictate tracktime... }; // File header structure. struct VChunkHeader { ANSICHAR ChunkID[20]; // String ID of up to 19 chars (usually zero-terminated) INT TypeFlag; // Flags/reserved INT DataSize; // Size per struct following; INT DataCount; // Number of structs/ }; // Raw data material. struct VMaterial { ANSICHAR MaterialName[64]; INT TextureIndex; // Texture index ('multiskin index') DWORD PolyFlags; // ALL poly's with THIS material will have this flag. INT AuxMaterial; // Reserved: index into another material, eg. detailtexture/shininess/whatever. DWORD AuxFlags; // Reserved: auxiliary flags INT LodBias; // Material-specific lod bias (unused) INT LodStyle; // Material-specific lod style (unused) }; // Raw data bone. struct VBone { ANSICHAR Name[64]; // DWORD Flags; // Reserved. INT NumChildren; // Children (not used.) INT ParentIndex; // 0/NULL if this is the root bone. VJointPos BonePos; // Reference position. }; // Binary bone format to deal with raw animations as generated by various exporters. struct FNamedBoneBinary { ANSICHAR Name[64]; // Bone's name DWORD Flags; // reserved INT NumChildren; // INT ParentIndex; // 0/NULL if this is the root bone. VJointPos BonePos; // }; // Raw data bone influence. struct VRawBoneInfluence // Just weight, vertex, and Bone, sorted later. { FLOAT Weight; INT PointIndex; INT BoneIndex; }; // An animation key. struct VQuatAnimKey { FVector Position; // Relative to parent. FQuat Orientation; // Relative to parent. FLOAT Time; // The duration until the next key (end key wraps to first...) }; // Vertex with texturing info, akin to Hoppe's 'Wedge' concept - import only. struct VVertex { _WORD PointIndex; // Index into the 3d point table. FLOAT U,V; // Texture U, V coordinates. BYTE MatIndex; // At runtime, this one will be implied by the face that's pointing to us. BYTE Reserved; // Top secret. }; // Points: regular FVectors struct VPoint { FVector Point; }; // Textured triangle. struct VTriangle { _WORD WedgeIndex[3]; // Point to three vertices in the vertex list. BYTE MatIndex; // Materials can be anything. BYTE AuxMatIndex; // Second material (unused). DWORD SmoothingGroups; // 32-bit flag for smoothing groups. }; struct VScaleAnimKey { FVector ScaleVector; // If uniform scaling is required, just use the X component.. FLOAT Time; // disregarded }; // // Curve information for blend shape // Name: Alias of each curve // Weight Keys: weight of # of frames for the blend curve // struct VBlendCurve { ANSICHAR RawCurveName[128]; TArray RawWeightKeys; VBlendCurve() { Memzero(this, sizeof(VBlendCurve)); } VBlendCurve(VBlendCurve& Other) { *this = Other; } ~VBlendCurve() { RawWeightKeys.Empty(); } VBlendCurve& operator=(VBlendCurve & Other) { Memzero(this, sizeof(VBlendCurve)); strcpysafe(RawCurveName, Other.RawCurveName, 128); RawWeightKeys.AddZeroed(Other.RawWeightKeys.Num()); for (INT I=0; I