
class unreal.CollisionQueryTaskData(ignored_actors: None = [])

Bases: StructBase

Data Store struct used to extend collision-based targeting tasks providing extra data from outside

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: TargetingSystem

  • Module: TargetingSystem

  • File: CollisionQueryTaskData.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • ignored_actors (Array[Actor]): [Read-Write] Any extra actors we want to ignore. Note: Given that this is a globally-managed struct, we’re manually adding refs to it in UTargetingSubsystem::AddReferencedObjects

property ignored_actors: None

Given that this is a globally-managed struct, we’re manually adding refs to it in UTargetingSubsystem::AddReferencedObjects




[Read-Write] Any extra actors we want to ignore. Note