
class unreal.AnimNode_OrientationWarping(component_pose: ComponentSpacePoseLink = [], lod_threshold: int = 0, alpha_input_type: AnimAlphaInputType = Ellipsis, alpha_bool_enabled: bool = False, alpha: float = 0.0, alpha_scale_bias: InputScaleBias = Ellipsis, alpha_bool_blend: InputAlphaBoolBlend = Ellipsis, alpha_curve_name: Name = 'None', alpha_scale_bias_clamp: InputScaleBiasClamp = Ellipsis, orientation_angle: float = 0.0, locomotion_angle: float = 0.0, locomotion_direction: Vector = Ellipsis, min_root_motion_speed_threshold: float = 0.0, locomotion_angle_delta_threshold: float = 0.0, manual_root_motion_velocity: Vector = Ellipsis, warping_space: OrientationWarpingSpace = Ellipsis, warping_space_transform: Transform = Ellipsis)

Bases: AnimNode_SkeletalControlBase

Anim Node Orientation Warping

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: AnimationWarping

  • Module: AnimationWarpingRuntime

  • File: AnimNode_OrientationWarping.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • alpha (float): [Read-Write] Current strength of the skeletal control

  • alpha_bool_blend (InputAlphaBoolBlend): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_bool_enabled (bool): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_curve_name (Name): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_input_type (AnimAlphaInputType): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_scale_bias (InputScaleBias): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_scale_bias_clamp (InputScaleBiasClamp): [Read-Write]

  • component_pose (ComponentSpacePoseLink): [Read-Write] Input link

  • counter_compenstate_interpolation_by_root_motion (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to counter compensate interpolation by the animated root motion angle change over time. This helps to conserve the motion from our animation. Disable this if your root motion is expected to be jittery, and you want orientation warping to smooth it out.

  • debug_draw_scale (float): [Read-Write] Scale all debug drawing visualization by a factor

  • distributed_bone_orientation_alpha (float): [Read-Write] Specifies how much rotation is applied to the character body versus IK feet

  • enable_debug_draw (bool): [Read-Write] Enable/Disable orientation warping debug drawing

  • ik_foot_bones (Array[BoneReference]): [Read-Write] IK Foot definitions

  • ik_foot_root_bone (BoneReference): [Read-Write] IK Foot Root Bone definition

  • locomotion_angle (float): [Read-Write] The character locomotion angle (in degrees) relative to the specified RotationAxis This will be used in the following equation for computing the orientation angle: [Orientation = RotationBetween(RootMotionDirection, LocomotionDirection)]

  • locomotion_angle_delta_threshold (float): [Read-Write] Specifies an angle threshold to prevent erroneous over-rotation of the character, disabled with a value of 0

    When the effective orientation warping angle is detected to be greater than this value (default: 90 degrees) the locomotion direction will be inverted prior to warping This will be used in the following equation: [Orientation = RotationBetween(RootMotionDirection, -LocomotionDirection)]

    Example: Playing a forward running animation while the motion is going backward Rather than orientation warping by 180 degrees, the system will warp by 0 degrees

  • locomotion_direction (Vector): [Read-Write] The character movement direction vector in world space This will be used to compute LocomotionAngle automatically

  • lod_threshold (int32): [Read-Write] * Max LOD that this node is allowed to run * For example if you have LODThreshold to be 2, it will run until LOD 2 (based on 0 index) * when the component LOD becomes 3, it will stop update/evaluate * currently transition would be issue and that has to be re-visited

  • manual_root_motion_velocity (Vector): [Read-Write]

  • max_correction_degrees (float): [Read-Write] Max correction we’re allowed to do per-second when using interpolation. This minimizes pops when we have a large difference between current and target orientation.

  • max_root_motion_delta_to_compensate_degrees (float): [Read-Write] Don’t compensate our interpolator when the instantaneous root motion delta is higher than this. This is likely a pivot.

  • min_root_motion_speed_threshold (float): [Read-Write] Minimum root motion speed required to apply orientation warping This is useful to prevent unnatural re-orientation when the animation has a portion with no root motion (i.e starts/stops/idles) When this value is greater than 0, it’s recommended to enable interpolation with RotationInterpSpeed > 0

  • mode (WarpingEvaluationMode): [Read-Write] Orientation warping evaluation mode (Graph or Manual)

  • orientation_angle (float): [Read-Write] The desired orientation angle (in degrees) to warp by relative to the specified RotationAxis

  • rotation_axis (AxisType): [Read-Write] Rotation axis used when rotating the character body

  • rotation_interp_speed (float): [Read-Write] Specifies the interpolation speed (in Alpha per second) towards reaching the final warped rotation angle A value of 0 will cause instantaneous rotation, while a greater value will introduce smoothing

  • scale_by_global_blend_weight (bool): [Read-Write]

  • spine_bones (Array[BoneReference]): [Read-Write] Spine bone definitions Used to counter rotate the body in order to keep the character facing forward The amount of counter rotation applied is driven by DistributedBoneOrientationAlpha

  • use_manual_root_motion_velocity (bool): [Read-Write]

  • warping_space (OrientationWarpingSpace): [Read-Write]

  • warping_space_transform (Transform): [Read-Write]

property locomotion_angle: float

[Read-Write] The character locomotion angle (in degrees) relative to the specified RotationAxis This will be used in the following equation for computing the orientation angle: [Orientation = RotationBetween(RootMotionDirection, LocomotionDirection)]



property locomotion_angle_delta_threshold: float

[Read-Write] Specifies an angle threshold to prevent erroneous over-rotation of the character, disabled with a value of 0

When the effective orientation warping angle is detected to be greater than this value (default: 90 degrees) the locomotion direction will be inverted prior to warping This will be used in the following equation: [Orientation = RotationBetween(RootMotionDirection, -LocomotionDirection)]

Example: Playing a forward running animation while the motion is going backward Rather than orientation warping by 180 degrees, the system will warp by 0 degrees



property locomotion_direction: Vector

[Read-Write] The character movement direction vector in world space This will be used to compute LocomotionAngle automatically



property manual_root_motion_velocity: Vector




property min_root_motion_speed_threshold: float

[Read-Write] Minimum root motion speed required to apply orientation warping This is useful to prevent unnatural re-orientation when the animation has a portion with no root motion (i.e starts/stops/idles) When this value is greater than 0, it’s recommended to enable interpolation with RotationInterpSpeed > 0



property orientation_angle: float

[Read-Write] The desired orientation angle (in degrees) to warp by relative to the specified RotationAxis



property warping_space: OrientationWarpingSpace




property warping_space_transform: Transform


