
class unreal.FootstepAnimEventsModifier(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: AnimationModifier

Generates animation notifies and/or sync markers for any specified bone(s)

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: AnimationModifierLibrary

  • Module: AnimationModifierLibrary

  • File: FootstepAnimEventsModifier.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • foot_definitions (Array[FootDefinition]): [Read-Write] Foot bone(s) to be processed

  • generated_notify_tracks (Set[Name]): [Read-Only] Keep track of to be generated tracks during modifier application

  • ground_threshold (float): [Read-Write] Threshold for determining if a foot bone position can be considered to be on the ground level

  • processed_notify_tracks (Set[Name]): [Read-Only] Keep track of tracks modified during modifier application

  • reapply_post_owner_change (bool): [Read-Write] If this is set to true then the animation modifier will call it’s reapply function after any change made to the owning asset.

  • sample_rate (int32): [Read-Write] Rate used to sample the animation

  • should_remove_pre_existing_notifies_or_sync_markers (bool): [Read-Write] If true, applying the anim modifier becomes a destructive action, meaning that any existing matched tracks will have their data overwritten by the modifier. Otherwise, no previous notifies or sync markers will removed when applying the anim modifier.

  • speed_threshold (float): [Read-Write] Threshold to start finding the smallest foot bone translation speed.

    Note that the foot bone translation speed is normalize therefore when a footstep occurs the speed will be very close to zero, thus for most cases this value won’t need to be changed.

property foot_definitions: None

[Read-Only] Foot bone(s) to be processed



property ground_threshold: float

[Read-Only] Threshold for determining if a foot bone position can be considered to be on the ground level



property sample_rate: int

[Read-Only] Rate used to sample the animation



property should_remove_pre_existing_notifies_or_sync_markers: bool

[Read-Only] If true, applying the anim modifier becomes a destructive action, meaning that any existing matched tracks will have their data overwritten by the modifier. Otherwise, no previous notifies or sync markers will removed when applying the anim modifier.



property speed_threshold: float

[Read-Only] Threshold to start finding the smallest foot bone translation speed.

Note that the foot bone translation speed is normalize therefore when a footstep occurs the speed will be very close to zero, thus for most cases this value won’t need to be changed.

