
class unreal.PhysicsControlComponent(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: SceneComponent

This is the main Physics Control Component class which manages Controls and Body Modifiers associated with one or more static or skeletal meshes. You can add this as a component to an actor containing a mesh and then use it to create, configure and destroy Controls/Body Modifiers:

Controls are used to control one physics body relative to another (or the world). These controls are done through physical spring/damper drives.

Body Modifiers are used to update the most important physical properties of physics bodies such as whether they are simulated vs kinematic, or whether they experience gravity.

Note that Controls and Body Modifiers are given names (which are predictable). These names can then be stored (perhaps in arrays) to make it easy to quickly change multiple Controls/Body Modifiers.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: PhysicsControl

  • Module: PhysicsControl

  • File: PhysicsControlComponent.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • absolute_location (bool): [Read-Write] If RelativeLocation should be considered relative to the world, rather than the parent

  • absolute_rotation (bool): [Read-Write] If RelativeRotation should be considered relative to the world, rather than the parent

  • absolute_scale (bool): [Read-Write] If RelativeScale3D should be considered relative to the world, rather than the parent

  • asset_user_data (Array[AssetUserData]): [Read-Write] Array of user data stored with the component

  • asset_user_data_editor_only (Array[AssetUserData]): [Read-Write] Array of user data stored with the component

  • auto_activate (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the component is activated at creation or must be explicitly activated.

  • can_ever_affect_navigation (bool): [Read-Write] Whether this component can potentially influence navigation

  • component_tags (Array[Name]): [Read-Write] Array of tags that can be used for grouping and categorizing. Can also be accessed from scripting.

  • debug_body_modifier_detail_filter (str): [Read-Write] Display detailed info for body modifiers containing this string (if non-empty) when this component is selected

  • debug_control_detail_filter (str): [Read-Write] Display detailed info for controls containing this string (if non-empty) when this component is selected

  • detail_mode (DetailMode): [Read-Write] If detail mode is >= system detail mode, primitive won’t be rendered.

  • editable_when_inherited (bool): [Read-Write] True if this component can be modified when it was inherited from a parent actor class

  • hidden_in_game (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to hide the primitive in game, if the primitive is Visible.

  • is_editor_only (bool): [Read-Write] If true, the component will be excluded from non-editor builds

  • max_num_controls_or_modifiers_per_name (int32): [Read-Write] Upper limit on the number of controls or modifiers that will be created using the same name (which will get a numerical postfix). When this limit is reached a warning will be issued and the control or modifier won’t be created. This is to avoid problems if controls or modifiers are being created dynamically, and can generally be a “moderately large” number, depending on how many controls or modifiers you expect to create.

  • mobility (ComponentMobility): [Read-Write] How often this component is allowed to move, used to make various optimizations. Only safe to set in constructor.

  • on_component_activated (ActorComponentActivatedSignature): [Read-Write] Called when the component has been activated, with parameter indicating if it was from a reset

  • on_component_deactivated (ActorComponentDeactivateSignature): [Read-Write] Called when the component has been deactivated

  • physics_control_profile_asset (PhysicsControlProfileAsset): [Read-Write] Public property data

  • physics_volume_changed_delegate (PhysicsVolumeChanged): [Read-Write] Delegate that will be called when PhysicsVolume has been changed *

  • primary_component_tick (ActorComponentTickFunction): [Read-Write] Main tick function for the Component

  • relative_location (Vector): [Read-Write] Location of the component relative to its parent

  • relative_rotation (Rotator): [Read-Write] Rotation of the component relative to its parent

  • relative_scale3d (Vector): [Read-Write] Non-uniform scaling of the component relative to its parent. Note that scaling is always applied in local space (no shearing etc)

  • replicate_using_registered_sub_object_list (bool): [Read-Write] When true the replication system will only replicate the registered subobjects list When false the replication system will instead call the virtual ReplicateSubObjects() function where the subobjects need to be manually replicated.

  • replicates (bool): [Read-Write] Is this component currently replicating? Should the network code consider it for replication? Owning Actor must be replicating first!

  • should_update_physics_volume (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not the cached PhysicsVolume this component overlaps should be updated when the component is moved. see: GetPhysicsVolume()

  • show_debug_body_modifier_list (bool): [Read-Write] Display all the body modifiers and their basic properties when this component is selected

  • show_debug_control_list (bool): [Read-Write] Display all the controls and their basic properties when this component is selected

  • show_debug_visualization (bool): [Read-Write] Visualize the controls when this component is selected

  • teleport_distance_threshold (float): [Read-Write] If the component moves by more than this distance then it is treated as a teleport, which prevents velocities being used for a frame. It is also used as the threshold for teleporting when moving kinematic objects. Zero or negative disables.

  • teleport_rotation_threshold (float): [Read-Write] If the component rotates by more than this angle (in degrees) then it is treated as a teleport, which prevents velocities being used for a frame. It is also used as the threshold for teleporting when moving kinematic objects. Zero or negative disables.

  • use_attach_parent_bound (bool): [Read-Write] If true, this component uses its parents bounds when attached. This can be a significant optimization with many components attached together.

  • velocity_prediction_time (float): [Read-Write] The time used when “predicting” the target position/orientation. Zero will disable the visualization of this.

  • visible (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to completely draw the primitive; if false, the primitive is not drawn, does not cast a shadow.

  • visualization_size_scale (float): [Read-Write] Size of the gizmos etc used during visualization

  • warn_about_invalid_names (bool): [Read-Write] Warn if an an invalid control or body modifier name is used. This can happen quite easily since they’re only referenced through names, which are likely auto-generated. However, it may happen for valid reasons, in which case you’ll want to disable this.

add_body_modifier_to_set(body_modifier, set) PhysicsControlNames

Adds a BodyModifier to a Set. This will add a new set if necessary. For example, you might make a set of body modifiers called “Feet” by calling this twice, passing in the left and right foot body modifiers.

  • body_modifier (Name) –

  • set (Name) –


new_set (PhysicsControlNames):

Return type:


add_body_modifiers_to_set(body_modifiers, set) PhysicsControlNames

Adds BodyModifiers to a Set. This will add a new set if necessary. For example, you might make a set of Arm body modifiers by calling this twice, passing in the left and right arm body modifiers.


new_set (PhysicsControlNames):

Return type:


add_control_to_set(control, set) PhysicsControlNames

Adds a Control to a Set. This will add a new set if necessary. For example, you might make a set of Controls called “ParentSpace_Feet” by calling this twice, passing in the left and right foot ParentSpace controls.


new_set (PhysicsControlNames):

Return type:


add_controls_to_set(controls, set) PhysicsControlNames

Adds Controls to a Set. This will add a new set if necessary. For example, you might make a set of ParentSpace Arm controls by calling this twice, passing in the left and right arm ParentSpace controls.


new_set (PhysicsControlNames):

Return type:


create_body_modifier(mesh_component, bone_name, set, body_modifier_data) Name

Creates a new body modifier for mesh components

  • mesh_component (MeshComponent) – The Mesh Component used as a target for the modifier

  • bone_name (Name) – The bone name, if a skeletal mesh is used

  • set (Name) – Which set to include the body modifier in (optional). Note that it automatically gets added to the set “All”

  • body_modifier_data (PhysicsControlModifierData) – The initial properties of the modifier

Return type:


create_body_modifiers_from_limb_bones(limb_bones, body_modifier_data) -> (Map[Name, PhysicsControlNames], all_body_modifiers=PhysicsControlNames)

Creates a collection of controls controlling a skeletal mesh, grouped together in limbs


A map containing the modifiers for each limb

all_body_modifiers (PhysicsControlNames):

Return type:


create_body_modifiers_from_skeletal_mesh_below(skeletal_mesh_component, bone_name, include_self, set, body_modifier_data) Array[Name]

Creates new body modifiers for skeletal mesh components

  • skeletal_mesh_component (SkeletalMeshComponent) – The skeletal mesh which will have body modifiers

  • bone_name (Name) – The bone name below which modifiers should be created

  • include_self (bool) – Whether or not to include BoneName when creating modifiers

  • set (Name) – Which set to include the body modifier in (optional). Note that it automatically gets added to the set “All”

  • body_modifier_data (PhysicsControlModifierData) – The initial properties of the modifier

Return type:


create_control(parent_mesh_component, parent_bone_name, child_mesh_component, child_bone_name, control_data, control_target, set, name_prefix='') Name

Creates a new control for mesh components

  • parent_mesh_component (MeshComponent) –

  • parent_bone_name (Name) –

  • child_mesh_component (MeshComponent) –

  • child_bone_name (Name) –

  • control_data (PhysicsControlData) – Describes the initial strength etc of the new control

  • control_target (PhysicsControlTarget) – Describes the initial target for the new control

  • set (Name) – Which set to include the control in (optional). Note that it automatically gets added to the set “All”

  • name_prefix (str) – Optional string that is prefixed to the control that is created.


The name of the new control

Return type:


create_controls_and_body_modifiers_from_control_profile_asset(skeletal_mesh_component, world_component, world_bone_name) None

This uses the control profile asset (that should have already been set) to create controls and body modifiers It is also possible to specify a mesh component to use for the “world” object - so that the world controls can be made to work in the space of another object (or a bone if that is a skeletal mesh component)

create_controls_and_body_modifiers_from_limb_bones(skeletal_mesh_component, limb_setup_data, world_space_control_data, parent_space_control_data, body_modifier_data, world_component=None, world_bone_name="None") -> (all_world_space_controls=PhysicsControlNames, limb_world_space_controls=Map[Name, PhysicsControlNames], all_parent_space_controls=PhysicsControlNames, limb_parent_space_controls=Map[Name, PhysicsControlNames], all_body_modifiers=PhysicsControlNames, limb_body_modifiers=Map[Name, PhysicsControlNames])

Creates a collections of controls and body modifiers for a character, based on the description passed in. This makes: - World-space controls - Parent-space controls - Body modifiers for all the body parts. In addition, they get added to sets, so they can be referenced later. Each control is added to three sets: - “All” - “ControlType - i.e. “WorldSpace” or “ParentSpace”, each of which will end up containing all controls of that type - “ControlType_LimbName” - e.g. “WorldSpace_ArmLeft” or “ParentSpace_Head” Each body modifier is added to “All” and a set named after the limb - e.g. “Spine” or “LegRight”. It is also possible to specify a mesh component to use for the “world” object - so that the world controls can be made to work in the space of another object (or a bone if that is a skeletal mesh component)


all_world_space_controls (PhysicsControlNames):

limb_world_space_controls (Map[Name, PhysicsControlNames]):

all_parent_space_controls (PhysicsControlNames):

limb_parent_space_controls (Map[Name, PhysicsControlNames]):

all_body_modifiers (PhysicsControlNames):

limb_body_modifiers (Map[Name, PhysicsControlNames]):

Return type:


create_controls_from_limb_bones(limb_bones, control_type, control_data, world_component=None, world_bone_name="None", name_prefix="") -> (Map[Name, PhysicsControlNames], all_controls=PhysicsControlNames)

Creates a collection of controls controlling a skeletal mesh, grouped together in limbs

  • limb_bones (Map[Name, PhysicsControlLimbBones]) – A map relating the limbs and the bones that they contain. Typically create this using GetLimbBonesFromSkeletalMesh

  • control_type (PhysicsControlType) – What type of control to create. This determines what the parent will be for each control

  • control_data (PhysicsControlData) – Describes the initial strength etc of the new control

  • world_component (MeshComponent) – Optional component to use as the parent object for any “world-space” controls that are created. Will be ignored if the controls being created are not world-space.

  • world_bone_name (Name) – Additional bone name to identify the world object if the WorldComponent is actually a skeletal mesh component.

  • name_prefix (str) – Optional string that is prefixed to each control that is created.


A map containing the controls for each limb

all_controls (PhysicsControlNames): A single container for all the controls that have been created

Return type:


create_controls_from_limb_bones_and_constraint_profile(limb_bones, constraint_profile, enabled=True) -> (Map[Name, PhysicsControlNames], all_controls=PhysicsControlNames)

Creates a collection of ParentSpace controls controlling a skeletal mesh, grouped together in limbs, initializing them with a constraint profile

  • limb_bones (Map[Name, PhysicsControlLimbBones]) – A map relating the limbs and the bones that they contain. Typically create this using GetLimbBonesFromSkeletalMesh

  • constraint_profile (Name) – The constraint profile to use for initializing the control strength and damping (etc) parameters. Note that the controls will all be created in “ parent space” - i.e. with each part controlled relative to its parent. The strength and damping will be taken from the values that the relevant joint in the physics asset would have given the constraint profile (or the default profile if it can’t be found) - though they will not match exactly if the linear drive and different x/y/z values, or if the angular drive was using twist/swing instead of slerp. Note also that the joint constraints do not use the animation velocity as a target, so when creating controls in this way the control will set the skeletal animation velocity multiplier to zero.

  • enabled (bool) – If true then the control will be enabled immediately. If false you will need to call SetControlEnabled(true) in order to enable it.


A map containing the controls for each limb

all_controls (PhysicsControlNames): A single container for all the controls that have been created

Return type:


create_controls_from_skeletal_mesh(skeletal_mesh_component, bone_names, control_type, control_data, set) Array[Name]

Creates a collection of controls controlling a skeletal mesh

  • skeletal_mesh_component (SkeletalMeshComponent) – The skeletal mesh which will have controls

  • bone_names (Array[Name]) – The names of bones for which controls should be created. Each bone will be the child in a control

  • control_type (PhysicsControlType) – What type of control to create. This determines what the parent will be for each control

  • control_data (PhysicsControlData) – Describes the initial strength etc of the new control

  • set (Name) – Which set to include the control in (optional). Note that it automatically gets added to the set “All”


An array of the controls that have been created

Return type:


create_controls_from_skeletal_mesh_and_constraint_profile(skeletal_mesh_component, bone_names, constraint_profile, set, enabled=True) Array[Name]

Creates a collection of ParentSpace controls controlling a skeletal mesh, initializing them with a constraint profile

  • skeletal_mesh_component (SkeletalMeshComponent) – The skeletal mesh which will have controls

  • bone_names (Array[Name]) – The names of bones for which controls should be created. Each bone will be the child in a control

  • constraint_profile (Name) – The constraint profile to use for initializing the control strength and damping (etc) parameters. Note that the controls will all be created in “ parent space” - i.e. with each part controlled relative to its parent. The strength and damping will be taken from the values that the relevant joint in the physics asset would have given the constraint profile (or the default profile if it can’t be found) - though they will not match exactly if the linear drive and different x/y/z values, or if the angular drive was using twist/swing instead of slerp. Note also that the joint constraints do not use the animation velocity as a target, so when creating controls in this way the control will set the skeletal animation velocity multiplier to zero.

  • set (Name) – Which set to include the control in (optional). Note that it automatically gets added to the set “All”

  • enabled (bool) – If true then the control will be enabled immediately. If false you will need to call SetControlEnabled(true) in order to enable it.


An array of the controls that have been created

Return type:


create_controls_from_skeletal_mesh_and_constraint_profile_below(skeletal_mesh_component, bone_name, include_self, constraint_profile, set, enabled=True) Array[Name]

Creates a collection of ParentSpace controls controlling a skeletal mesh, initializing them with a constraint profile

  • skeletal_mesh_component (SkeletalMeshComponent) – The skeletal mesh which will have controls

  • bone_name (Name) – The name of the bone below which controls should be created. Each bone will be the child in a control

  • include_self (bool) – Whether or not to include BoneName when creating controls

  • constraint_profile (Name) – The constraint profile to use for initializing the control strength and damping (etc) parameters. Note that the controls will all be created in “ parent space” - i.e. with each part controlled relative to its parent. The strength and damping will be taken from the values that the relevant joint in the physics asset would have given the constraint profile (or the default profile if it can’t be found) - though they will not match exactly if the linear drive and different x/y/z values, or if the angular drive was using twist/swing instead of slerp. Note also that the joint constraints do not use the animation velocity as a target, so when creating controls in this way the control will set the skeletal animation velocity multiplier to zero.

  • set (Name) – Which set to include the control in (optional). Note that it automatically gets added to the set “All”

  • enabled (bool) – If true then the control will be enabled immediately. If false you will need to call SetControlEnabled(true) in order to enable it.


An array of the controls that have been created

Return type:


create_controls_from_skeletal_mesh_below(skeletal_mesh_component, bone_name, include_self, control_type, control_data, set) Array[Name]

Creates a collection of controls controlling a skeletal mesh

  • skeletal_mesh_component (SkeletalMeshComponent) – The skeletal mesh which will have controls

  • bone_name (Name) – The name of the bone below which controls should be created. Each bone will be the child in a control

  • include_self (bool) – Whether or not to include BoneName when creating controls

  • control_type (PhysicsControlType) – What type of control to create. This determines what the parent will be for each control

  • control_data (PhysicsControlData) – Describes the initial strength etc of the new control

  • set (Name) – Which set to include the control in (optional). Note that it automatically gets added to the set “All”


An array of the controls that have been created

Return type:


create_named_body_modifier(name, mesh_component, bone_name, set, body_modifier_data) bool

Creates a new body modifier for mesh components

  • name (Name) –

  • mesh_component (MeshComponent) – The Mesh Component used as a target for the modifier

  • bone_name (Name) – The bone name, if a skeletal mesh is used

  • set (Name) – Which set to include the body modifier in (optional). Note that it automatically gets added to the set “All”

  • body_modifier_data (PhysicsControlModifierData) – The initial properties of the modifier

Return type:


create_named_control(name, parent_mesh_component, parent_bone_name, child_mesh_component, child_bone_name, control_data, control_target, set) bool

Creates a new control for mesh components

  • name (Name) –

  • parent_mesh_component (MeshComponent) –

  • parent_bone_name (Name) –

  • child_mesh_component (MeshComponent) –

  • child_bone_name (Name) –

  • control_data (PhysicsControlData) – Describes the initial strength etc of the new control

  • control_target (PhysicsControlTarget) – Describes the initial target for the new control

  • set (Name) – Which set to include the control in (optional). Note that it automatically gets added to the set “All”


True if a new control was created, false if a control of the specified name already exists

Return type:


property debug_body_modifier_detail_filter: str

[Read-Write] Display detailed info for body modifiers containing this string (if non-empty) when this component is selected



property debug_control_detail_filter: str

[Read-Write] Display detailed info for controls containing this string (if non-empty) when this component is selected



destroy_all_body_modifiers(names: None) None

deprecated: ‘destroy_all_body_modifiers’ was renamed to ‘destroy_body_modifiers’.

destroy_all_controls(names: None) None

deprecated: ‘destroy_all_controls’ was renamed to ‘destroy_controls’.

destroy_body_modifier(name) bool

Destroys a BodyModifier


name (Name) – The name of the body modifier to destroy.


Returns true if the body modifier was found and destroyed, false if not

Return type:


destroy_body_modifiers(names) None

Destroys BodyModifiers


names (Array[Name]) – The names of the body modifiers to destroy. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

destroy_body_modifiers_in_set(set) None

Destroys BodyModifiers


set (Name) – The set of body modifiers to destroy. Standard sets will include “All” and things like “ArmLeft”, depending on how body modifiers have been created.

destroy_control(name) bool

Destroys a control


name (Name) – The name of the control to destroy.


Returns true if the control was found and destroyed, false if not

Return type:


destroy_controls(names) None

Destroys all controls


names (Array[Name]) – The names of the controls to destroy. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

destroy_controls_in_set(set) None

Destroys all controls in a set


set (Name) – The set of controls to use to destroy. Standard sets will include “All”, “WorldSpace”, “ParentSpace” and things like “WorldSpace-ArmLeft”, depending on how controls have been created.

get_all_body_modifier_names() Array[Name]

Returns a reference to all the body modifier names that have been created.

Return type:


get_all_control_names() Array[Name]

Returns a reference to all the control names that have been created.

Return type:


get_body_modifier_exists(name) bool

Indicates if a body modifier with the name exists (doesn’t produce a warning if it doesn’t)


name (Name) –

Return type:


get_body_modifier_names_in_set(set) Array[Name]

Returns a reference to all the body modifier names that have been created and are in the specified set, which could be a limb, or a subsequently created set. Standard sets will include “All” and things like “ArmLeft”, depending on how body modifiers have been created.


set (Name) –

Return type:


get_cached_bone_angular_velocities(skeletal_mesh_component, bone_names) Array[Vector]

Gets the angular velocities of the requested bones that will be used as targets (in world space). Target velocities for bones that are not found will be set to zero. Note that these targets will have been calculated and cached at the start of the Physics Control Component, so if using the built in tick, may be too old to be useful. If you manually update the component then you can access these target velocities prior to applying your own targets.

Return type:


get_cached_bone_angular_velocity(skeletal_mesh_component, bone_name) Vector

Gets the angular velocity of the requested bone that will be used as a target (in world space). Target velocities for bones that are not found will be set to zero. Note that these targets will have been calculated and cached at the start of the Physics Control Component update, so if using the built in tick, may be too old to be useful. If you manually update the component then you can access these target velocities prior to applying your own targets.

Return type:


get_cached_bone_orientation(skeletal_mesh_component, bone_name) Rotator

Gets the orientation of the requested bone that will be used as a target (in world space). Targets for bones that are not found will be set to Identity. Note that these targets will have been calculated and cached at the start of the Physics Control Component, so if using the built in tick, may be too old to be useful. If you manually update the component then you can access these target transforms prior to applying your own targets.

Return type:


get_cached_bone_orientations(skeletal_mesh_component, bone_names) Array[Rotator]

Gets the orientations of the requested bones that will be used as targets (in world space). Targets for bones that are not found will be set to identity. Note that these targets will have been calculated and cached at the start of the Physics Control Component, so if using the built in tick, may be too old to be useful. If you manually update the component then you can access these target transforms prior to applying your own targets.

Return type:


get_cached_bone_position(skeletal_mesh_component, bone_name) Vector

Gets the position of the requested bone that will be used as a target (in world space). Targets for bones that are not found will be set to zero. Note that these targets will have been calculated and cached at the start of the Physics Control Component, so if using the built in tick, may be too old to be useful. If you manually update the component then you can access these target transforms prior to applying your own targets.

Return type:


get_cached_bone_positions(skeletal_mesh_component, bone_names) Array[Vector]

Gets the positions of the requested bones that will be used as targets (in world space). Targets for bones that are not found will be set to zero. Note that these targets will have been calculated and cached at the start of the Physics Control Component, so if using the built in tick, may be too old to be useful. If you manually update the component then you can access these target transforms prior to applying your own targets.

Return type:


get_cached_bone_transform(skeletal_mesh_component, bone_name) Transform

Gets the transforms of the requested bone that will be used as a target (in world space). Targets for bones that are not found will be set to Identity. Note that these targets will have been calculated and cached at the start of the Physics Control Component, so if using the built in tick, may be too old to be useful. If you manually update the component then you can access these target transforms prior to applying your own targets.

Return type:


get_cached_bone_transforms(skeletal_mesh_component, bone_names) Array[Transform]

Gets the transforms of the requested bones that will be used as targets (in world space). Targets for bones that are not found will be set to Identity. Note that these targets will have been calculated and cached at the start of the Physics Control Component, so if using the built in tick, may be too old to be useful. If you manually update the component then you can access these target transforms prior to applying your own targets.

Return type:


get_cached_bone_velocities(skeletal_mesh_component, bone_names) Array[Vector]

Gets the linear velocities of the requested bones that will be used as targets (in world space). Target velocities for bones that are not found will be set to zero. Note that these targets will have been calculated and cached at the start of the Physics Control Component, so if using the built in tick, may be too old to be useful. If you manually update the component then you can access these target velocities prior to applying your own targets.

Return type:


get_cached_bone_velocity(skeletal_mesh_component, bone_name) Vector

Gets the linear velocity of the requested bone that will be used as a target (in world space). Target velocities for bones that are not found will be set to zero. Note that these targets will have been calculated and cached at the start of the Physics Control Component, so if using the built in tick, may be too old to be useful. If you manually update the component then you can access these target velocities prior to applying your own targets.

Return type:


get_control_data(name) PhysicsControlData or None

name (Name) – The name of the control to access.


Returns true if the control was found, false if not

control_data (PhysicsControlData):

Return type:

PhysicsControlData or None

get_control_enabled(name) bool

name (Name) – The name of the control to access.


Returns true if the control is enabled

Return type:


get_control_exists(name) bool

Indicates if a control with the name exists (doesn’t produce a warning if it doesn’t)


name (Name) –

Return type:


get_control_multiplier(name) PhysicsControlMultiplier or None

name (Name) – The name of the control to access.


Returns true if the control was found, false if not

control_multiplier (PhysicsControlMultiplier):

Return type:

PhysicsControlMultiplier or None

get_control_names_in_set(set) Array[Name]

Returns a reference to all the control names that have been created and are in the specified set, which could be a limb, or a subsequently created set. Standard sets will include “All”, “WorldSpace”, “ParentSpace” and things like “WorldSpace-ArmLeft”, depending on how controls have been created.


set (Name) –

Return type:


get_control_target(name) PhysicsControlTarget or None

name (Name) – The name of the control to access.


Returns true if the control was found, false if not

control_target (PhysicsControlTarget):

Return type:

PhysicsControlTarget or None

get_limb_bones_from_skeletal_mesh(skeletal_mesh_component, limb_setup_data) Map[Name, PhysicsControlLimbBones]

Calculates which bones belong to which limb in a skeletal mesh

  • skeletal_mesh_component (SkeletalMeshComponent) – The skeletal mesh which will be analyzed

  • limb_setup_data (Array[PhysicsControlLimbSetupData]) – This needs to be filled in with the list of limbs to “discover”. Note that the limbs should be listed starting at the “leaf” (i.e. outer) parts of the skeleton first, typically finishing with the spine. In addition, the spine limb is typically specified using the first spine bone, but flagging it to include its parent (normally the pelvis).


A map of limb names to bones

Return type:

Map[Name, PhysicsControlLimbBones]

get_sets_containing_body_modifier(control) Array[Name]

Returns the names of all sets containing the body modifier (may be empty - e.g. if it doesn’t exist)


control (Name) –

Return type:


get_sets_containing_control(control) Array[Name]

Returns the names of all sets containing the control (may be empty - e.g. if it doesn’t exist)


control (Name) –

Return type:


invoke_control_profile(profile_name) None

Looks up the profile which should exist in the registered control profile asset, and invokes it.


profile_name (Name) –

make_body_modifier(mesh_component: MeshComponent, bone_name: Name, set: Name, body_modifier_data: PhysicsControlModifierData) Name

deprecated: ‘make_body_modifier’ was renamed to ‘create_body_modifier’.

make_body_modifiers_from_limb_bones(limb_bones: None, body_modifier_data: PhysicsControlModifierData) Tuple[None, PhysicsControlNames]

deprecated: ‘make_body_modifiers_from_limb_bones’ was renamed to ‘create_body_modifiers_from_limb_bones’.

make_body_modifiers_from_skeletal_mesh_below(skeletal_mesh_component: SkeletalMeshComponent, bone_name: Name, include_self: bool, set: Name, body_modifier_data: PhysicsControlModifierData) None

deprecated: ‘make_body_modifiers_from_skeletal_mesh_below’ was renamed to ‘create_body_modifiers_from_skeletal_mesh_below’.

make_control(parent_mesh_component: MeshComponent, parent_bone_name: Name, child_mesh_component: MeshComponent, child_bone_name: Name, control_data: PhysicsControlData, control_target: PhysicsControlTarget, set: Name, name_prefix: str = '') Name

deprecated: ‘make_control’ was renamed to ‘create_control’.

make_controls_from_limb_bones(limb_bones: None, control_type: PhysicsControlType, control_data: PhysicsControlData, world_component: MeshComponent = Ellipsis, world_bone_name: Name = 'None', name_prefix: str = '') Tuple[None, PhysicsControlNames]

deprecated: ‘make_controls_from_limb_bones’ was renamed to ‘create_controls_from_limb_bones’.

make_controls_from_limb_bones_and_constraint_profile(limb_bones: None, constraint_profile: Name, enabled: bool = True) Tuple[None, PhysicsControlNames]

deprecated: ‘make_controls_from_limb_bones_and_constraint_profile’ was renamed to ‘create_controls_from_limb_bones_and_constraint_profile’.

make_controls_from_skeletal_mesh(skeletal_mesh_component: SkeletalMeshComponent, bone_names: None, control_type: PhysicsControlType, control_data: PhysicsControlData, set: Name) None

deprecated: ‘make_controls_from_skeletal_mesh’ was renamed to ‘create_controls_from_skeletal_mesh’.

make_controls_from_skeletal_mesh_and_constraint_profile(skeletal_mesh_component: SkeletalMeshComponent, bone_names: None, constraint_profile: Name, set: Name, enabled: bool = True) None

deprecated: ‘make_controls_from_skeletal_mesh_and_constraint_profile’ was renamed to ‘create_controls_from_skeletal_mesh_and_constraint_profile’.

make_controls_from_skeletal_mesh_and_constraint_profile_below(skeletal_mesh_component: SkeletalMeshComponent, bone_name: Name, include_self: bool, constraint_profile: Name, set: Name, enabled: bool = True) None

deprecated: ‘make_controls_from_skeletal_mesh_and_constraint_profile_below’ was renamed to ‘create_controls_from_skeletal_mesh_and_constraint_profile_below’.

make_controls_from_skeletal_mesh_below(skeletal_mesh_component: SkeletalMeshComponent, bone_name: Name, include_self: bool, control_type: PhysicsControlType, control_data: PhysicsControlData, set: Name) None

deprecated: ‘make_controls_from_skeletal_mesh_below’ was renamed to ‘create_controls_from_skeletal_mesh_below’.

make_named_body_modifier(name: Name, mesh_component: MeshComponent, bone_name: Name, set: Name, body_modifier_data: PhysicsControlModifierData) bool

deprecated: ‘make_named_body_modifier’ was renamed to ‘create_named_body_modifier’.

make_named_control(name: Name, parent_mesh_component: MeshComponent, parent_bone_name: Name, child_mesh_component: MeshComponent, child_bone_name: Name, control_data: PhysicsControlData, control_target: PhysicsControlTarget, set: Name) bool

deprecated: ‘make_named_control’ was renamed to ‘create_named_control’.

property max_num_controls_or_modifiers_per_name: int

[Read-Write] Upper limit on the number of controls or modifiers that will be created using the same name (which will get a numerical postfix). When this limit is reached a warning will be issued and the control or modifier won’t be created. This is to avoid problems if controls or modifiers are being created dynamically, and can generally be a “moderately large” number, depending on how many controls or modifiers you expect to create.



property physics_control_profile_asset: PhysicsControlProfileAsset

[Read-Write] Public property data



reset_body_modifier_to_cached_bone_transform(name, behavior=ResetToCachedTargetBehavior.RESET_IMMEDIATELY) bool

This flags the body associated with the modifier to set (using teleport) its position and velocity to the cached animation target. This will only affect skeletal mesh component bodies.

  • name (Name) – The name of the body modifier to use to identify the body to reset.

  • behavior (ResetToCachedTargetBehavior) – When the reset should happen.


true if the body modifier is found (even if no cached target is found), and false otherwise.

Return type:


reset_body_modifiers_in_set_to_cached_bone_transforms(set_name, behavior=ResetToCachedTargetBehavior.RESET_IMMEDIATELY) None

Calls ResetBodyModifierToCachedTarget for each of the body modifiers in the set

reset_body_modifiers_to_cached_bone_transforms(names, behavior=ResetToCachedTargetBehavior.RESET_IMMEDIATELY) None

Calls ResetBodyModifierToCachedTarget for each of the body modifiers

reset_control_point(name) bool

Resets the control point to the center of mass of the mesh


name (Name) – The name of the control to modify.

Return type:


set_all_body_modifier_gravity_multipliers(names: None, gravity_multiplier: float = 1.0) None

deprecated: ‘set_all_body_modifier_gravity_multipliers’ was renamed to ‘set_body_modifiers_gravity_multiplier’.

set_all_body_modifier_movement_type(names: None, movement_type: PhysicsMovementType = Ellipsis) None

deprecated: ‘set_all_body_modifier_movement_type’ was renamed to ‘set_body_modifiers_movement_type’.

set_all_body_modifiers_collision_type(names: None, collision_type: CollisionEnabled = Ellipsis) None

deprecated: ‘set_all_body_modifiers_collision_type’ was renamed to ‘set_body_modifiers_collision_type’.

set_all_body_modifiers_gravity_multiplier(names: None, gravity_multiplier: float = 1.0) None

deprecated: ‘set_all_body_modifiers_gravity_multiplier’ was renamed to ‘set_body_modifiers_gravity_multiplier’.

set_all_body_modifiers_movement_type(names: None, movement_type: PhysicsMovementType = Ellipsis) None

deprecated: ‘set_all_body_modifiers_movement_type’ was renamed to ‘set_body_modifiers_movement_type’.

set_all_body_modifiers_use_skeletal_animation(names: None, use_skeletal_animation: bool) None

deprecated: ‘set_all_body_modifiers_use_skeletal_animation’ was renamed to ‘set_body_modifiers_use_skeletal_animation’.

set_all_control_datas(names: None, control_data: PhysicsControlData) None

deprecated: ‘set_all_control_datas’ was renamed to ‘set_control_datas’.

set_all_control_targets(names: None, control_target: PhysicsControlTarget, enable_control: bool = True) None

deprecated: ‘set_all_control_targets’ was renamed to ‘set_control_targets’.

set_all_controls_enabled(names: None, enable: bool = True) None

deprecated: ‘set_all_controls_enabled’ was renamed to ‘set_controls_enabled’.

set_all_controls_in_set_use_skeletal_animation(set: Name, use_skeletal_animation: bool = True, skeletal_animation_velocity_multiplier: float = 1.0) None

deprecated: ‘set_all_controls_in_set_use_skeletal_animation’ was renamed to ‘set_controls_in_set_use_skeletal_animation’.

set_all_controls_use_skeletal_animation(names: None, use_skeletal_animation: bool = True, skeletal_animation_velocity_multiplier: float = 1.0) None

deprecated: ‘set_all_controls_use_skeletal_animation’ was renamed to ‘set_controls_use_skeletal_animation’.

set_body_modifier_collision_type(name, collision_type=CollisionEnabled.QUERY_AND_PHYSICS) bool

Sets the collision type for a body modifier

  • name (Name) – The name of the body modifier to access.

  • collision_type (CollisionEnabled) – Collision type to set on the body


true if the body modifier was found, false if not

Return type:


set_body_modifier_data(name, modifier_data) bool

Modifies an existing Body Modifier Data


true if the modifier was found and modified, false if not

Return type:


set_body_modifier_datas(names, modifier_data) None

Modifies existing Body Modifier Data

  • names (Array[Name]) – The names of the modifiers to update. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

  • modifier_data (PhysicsControlModifierData) – The new data

set_body_modifier_datas_in_set(set, modifier_data) None

Modifies existing Body Modifier Data

  • set (Name) – The set of modifiers to update. Standard sets will include “All” and things like “ArmLeft”, depending on how body modifiers have been created.

  • modifier_data (PhysicsControlModifierData) – The new data

set_body_modifier_gravity_multiplier(name, gravity_multiplier=1.000000) bool

Sets the gravity multiplier for a body modifier

  • name (Name) – The name of the body modifier to access.

  • gravity_multiplier (float) – The amount of gravity to apply when simulating


true if the body modifier was found, false if not

Return type:


set_body_modifier_kinematic_target(name, kinematic_target_position, kinematic_target_orienation, make_kinematic) bool

Sets the kinematic target transform for a body modifier.

  • name (Name) – The name of the body modifier to access.

  • kinematic_target_position (Vector) – The position to use as the kinematic target of the associated body, if it is kinematic

  • kinematic_target_orienation (Rotator) –

  • make_kinematic (bool) – If set then the body will be made kinematic. If not set, then it won’t be changed.


true if the body modifier was found, false if not

Return type:


set_body_modifier_movement_type(name, movement_type=PhysicsMovementType.SIMULATED) bool

Sets the movement type for a body modifier

  • name (Name) – The name of the body modifier to access.

  • movement_type (PhysicsMovementType) – Whether to enable/disable simulation on the body


true if the body modifier was found, false if not

Return type:


set_body_modifier_physics_blend_weight(name, physics_blend_weight=1.000000) bool

Sets the physics blend weight for a body modifier

  • name (Name) – The name of the body modifier to access.

  • physics_blend_weight (float) – The blend weight between the body transform coming from animation and that coming from simulation.


true if the body modifier was found, false if not

Return type:


set_body_modifier_sparse_data(name, modifier_data) bool

Modifies an existing Body Modifier Data


true if the modifier was found and modified, false if not

Return type:


set_body_modifier_sparse_datas(names, modifier_data) None

Modifies existing Body Modifier Data

  • names (Array[Name]) – The names of the modifiers to update. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

  • modifier_data (PhysicsControlModifierSparseData) – The new data

set_body_modifier_sparse_datas_in_set(set, modifier_data) None

Modifies existing Body Modifier Data

  • set (Name) – The set of modifiers to update. Standard sets will include “All” and things like “ArmLeft”, depending on how body modifiers have been created.

  • modifier_data (PhysicsControlModifierSparseData) – The new data

set_body_modifier_update_kinematic_from_simulation(name, update_kinematic_from_simulation) bool

Sets whether a body modifier should update kinematics from the simulation results

  • name (Name) – The name of the body modifier to access.

  • update_kinematic_from_simulation (bool) – Whether the body should be updated from the simulation when it is kinematic, or whether it should track the kinematic target directly. This will be most likely useful when using async physics, in order to make kinematic parts behave the same as dynamic ones.


true if the body modifier was found, false if not

Return type:


set_body_modifier_use_skeletal_animation(name, use_skeletal_animation) bool

Sets whether a body modifier should use skeletal animation for its kinematic targets

  • name (Name) – The name of the body modifier to access.

  • use_skeletal_animation (bool) – Whether the kinematic target is specified in the frame of the skeletal animation, rather than world space. Only relevant if the body is part of a skeletal mesh.


true if the body modifier was found, false if not

Return type:


set_body_modifiers_collision_type(names, collision_type=CollisionEnabled.QUERY_AND_PHYSICS) None

Sets the collision type for body modifiers

  • names (Array[Name]) – The names of the body modifiers to access. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

  • collision_type (CollisionEnabled) – Collision type to set on the bodies

set_body_modifiers_gravity_multiplier(names, gravity_multiplier=1.000000) None

Sets the gravity multiplier for body modifiers

  • names (Array[Name]) – The names of the body modifiers to access. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

  • gravity_multiplier (float) – The amount of gravity to apply when simulating

set_body_modifiers_in_set_collision_type(set, collision_type=CollisionEnabled.QUERY_AND_PHYSICS) None

Sets the collision type for body modifiers

  • set (Name) – The set of body modifiers to modify. Standard sets will include “All” and things like “ArmLeft”, depending on how body modifiers have been created.

  • collision_type (CollisionEnabled) – Collision type to set on the bodies

set_body_modifiers_in_set_gravity_multiplier(set, gravity_multiplier=1.000000) None

Sets the gravity multiplier for body modifiers

  • set (Name) – The set of body modifiers to modify. Standard sets will include “All” and things like “ArmLeft”, depending on how body modifiers have been created.

  • gravity_multiplier (float) – The amount of gravity to apply when simulating

set_body_modifiers_in_set_movement_type(set, movement_type=PhysicsMovementType.SIMULATED) None

Sets the movement type for body modifiers

  • set (Name) – The set of body modifiers to modify. Standard sets will include “All” and things like “ArmLeft”, depending on how body modifiers have been created.

  • movement_type (PhysicsMovementType) – Whether to enable/disable simulation on the bodies

set_body_modifiers_in_set_physics_blend_weight(set, physics_blend_weight=1.000000) None

Sets the physics blend weight for body modifiers

  • set (Name) – The set of body modifiers to modify. Standard sets will include “All” and things like “ArmLeft”, depending on how body modifiers have been created.

  • physics_blend_weight (float) – The blend weight between the body transform coming from animation and that coming from simulation.

set_body_modifiers_in_set_update_kinematic_from_simulation(set, update_kinematic_from_simulation) None

Sets whether body modifiers should update kinematics from the simulation results

  • set (Name) – The set of body modifiers to modify. Standard sets will include “All” and things like “ArmLeft”, depending on how body modifiers have been created.

  • update_kinematic_from_simulation (bool) – Whether the body should be updated from the simulation when it is kinematic, or whether it should track the kinematic target directly. This will be most likely useful when using async physics, in order to make kinematic parts behave the same as dynamic ones.

set_body_modifiers_in_set_use_skeletal_animation(set, use_skeletal_animation) None

Sets whether body modifiers should use skeletal animation for their kinematic targets

  • set (Name) – The set of body modifiers to modify. Standard sets will include “All” and things like “ArmLeft”, depending on how body modifiers have been created.

  • use_skeletal_animation (bool) – Whether the kinematic target is specified in the frame of the skeletal animation, rather than world space. Only relevant if the body is part of a skeletal mesh.

set_body_modifiers_movement_type(names, movement_type=PhysicsMovementType.SIMULATED) None

Sets the movement type for body modifiers

  • names (Array[Name]) – The names of the body modifiers to access. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

  • movement_type (PhysicsMovementType) – Whether to enable/disable simulation on the bodies

set_body_modifiers_physics_blend_weight(names, physics_blend_weight=1.000000) None

Sets the physics blend weight for body modifiers

  • names (Array[Name]) – The names of the body modifiers to access. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

  • physics_blend_weight (float) – The blend weight between the body transform coming from animation and that coming from simulation.

set_body_modifiers_update_kinematic_from_simulation(names, update_kinematic_from_simulation) None

Sets whether body modifiers should update kinematics from the simulation results

  • names (Array[Name]) – The names of the body modifiers to access. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

  • update_kinematic_from_simulation (bool) – Whether the body should be updated from the simulation when it is kinematic, or whether it should track the kinematic target directly. This will be most likely useful when using async physics, in order to make kinematic parts behave the same as dynamic ones.

set_body_modifiers_use_skeletal_animation(names, use_skeletal_animation) None

Sets whether body modifiers should use skeletal animation for their kinematic targets

  • names (Array[Name]) – The names of the body modifiers to access. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

  • use_skeletal_animation (bool) – Whether the kinematic target is specified in the frame of the skeletal animation, rather than world space. Only relevant if the body is part of a skeletal mesh.

set_cached_bone_data(skeletal_mesh_component, bone_name, tm, velocity, angular_velocity) bool

This allows the caller to override the target that will have been calculated and cached at the start of the Physics Control Component update. This is unlikely to be useful when using the built in tick, but if you are manually updating the component then you may wish to call this after UpdateTargetCaches but before UpdateControls.


true if successful, and false if no cached target can be found for the bone.

Return type:


set_control_angular_data(name, strength=1.000000, damping_ratio=1.000000, extra_damping=0.000000, max_torque=0.000000, enable_control=True) bool

Modifies an existing control’s angular data - i.e. the strengths etc of the control driving towards the target

  • name (Name) – The name of the control to modify.

  • strength (float) – The strength used to drive angular motion

  • damping_ratio (float) – The amount of damping associated with the angular strength. 1 Results in critically damped motion

  • extra_damping (float) – The amount of additional angular damping

  • max_torque (float) – The maximum torque used to drive the angular motion. Zero indicates no limit.

  • enable_control (bool) – Enables the control if it is currently disabled


true if the control was found and modified, false if not

Return type:


set_control_data(name, control_data) bool

Modifies an existing control data - i.e. the strengths etc of the control driving towards the target

  • name (Name) – The name of the control to update.

  • control_data (PhysicsControlData) – The new control data


true if the control was found and modified, false if not

Return type:


set_control_datas(names, control_data) None

Modifies existing control data - i.e. the strengths etc of the controls driving towards the targets

  • names (Array[Name]) – The names of the controls to update. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

  • control_data (PhysicsControlData) – The new control data

set_control_datas_in_set(set, control_data) None

Modifies existing control data - i.e. the strengths etc of the controls driving towards the targets

  • set (Name) – The set of controls to update. Standard sets will include “All”, “WorldSpace”, “ParentSpace” and things like “WorldSpace-ArmLeft”, depending on how controls have been created.

  • control_data (PhysicsControlData) – The new control data

set_control_disable_collision(name, disable_collision) bool
  • name (Name) – The name of the control to modify.

  • disable_collision (bool) – If set then the control will disable collision between the bodies it connects.


true if the control was found and modified, false if not

Return type:


set_control_enabled(name, enable=True) bool

Activates or deactivates a control

  • name (Name) – The name of the control to modify.

  • enable (bool) – Whether to enable/disable the control


Returns true if the control was found and modified, false if not

Return type:


set_control_linear_data(name, strength=1.000000, damping_ratio=1.000000, extra_damping=0.000000, max_force=0.000000, enable_control=True) bool

Modifies an existing control’s linear data - i.e. the strengths etc of the control driving towards the target

  • name (Name) – The name of the control to modify.

  • strength (float) – The strength used to drive linear motion

  • damping_ratio (float) – The amount of damping associated with the linear strength. 1 Results in critically damped motion

  • extra_damping (float) – The amount of additional linear damping

  • max_force (float) – The maximum force used to drive the linear motion. Zero indicates no limit.

  • enable_control (bool) – Enables the control if it is currently disabled


true if the control was found and modified, false if not

Return type:


set_control_multiplier(name, control_multiplier, enable_control=True) bool

Modifies an existing control data using the multipliers

  • name (Name) – The name of the control to modify.

  • control_multiplier (PhysicsControlMultiplier) –

  • enable_control (bool) – Enables the control if it is currently disabled


true if the control was found and modified, false if not

Return type:


set_control_multipliers(names, control_multiplier, enable_control=True) None

Modifies existing control data using the multipliers

  • names (Array[Name]) – The names of the controls to modify. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

  • control_multiplier (PhysicsControlMultiplier) – The new control multiplier

  • enable_control (bool) – Enables the controls if currently disabled

set_control_multipliers_in_set(set, control_multiplier, enable_control=True) None

Modifies existing control data using the multipliers

  • set (Name) – The set of controls to modify. Standard sets will include “All”, “WorldSpace”, “ParentSpace” and things like “WorldSpace-ArmLeft”, depending on how controls have been created.

  • control_multiplier (PhysicsControlMultiplier) – The new control multiplier

  • enable_control (bool) – Enables the controls if currently disabled

set_control_parent(name, parent_mesh_component, parent_bone_name) bool

Updates the parent object part of a control. Note that this won’t change the name of the control (which may subsequently be misleading), or any set it is included in, etc.

Return type:


set_control_parents(names, parent_mesh_component, parent_bone_name) None

Updates the parent object part of controls. Note that this won’t change the name of the controls (which may subsequently be misleading), or any set they are included in, etc.

set_control_parents_in_set(set, parent_mesh_component, parent_bone_name) None

Set Control Parents in Set

set_control_point(name, position) bool

Sets the point at which controls will “push” the child object.

  • name (Name) – The name of the control to modify.

  • position (Vector) – The position of the control point on the child mesh object (only relevant if that object is in use and is being simulated)

Return type:


set_control_sparse_data(name, control_data) bool

Modifies an existing control data - i.e. the strengths etc of the control driving towards the target


true if the control was found and modified, false if not

Return type:


set_control_sparse_datas(names, control_data) None

Modifies existing control data - i.e. the strengths etc of the controls driving towards the targets

  • names (Array[Name]) – The names of the controls to update. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

  • control_data (PhysicsControlSparseData) – The new control data

set_control_sparse_datas_in_set(set, control_data) None

Modifies existing control data - i.e. the strengths etc of the controls driving towards the targets

  • set (Name) – The set of controls to update. Standard sets will include “All”, “WorldSpace”, “ParentSpace” and things like “WorldSpace-ArmLeft”, depending on how controls have been created.

  • control_data (PhysicsControlSparseData) – The new control data

set_control_sparse_multiplier(name, control_multiplier, enable_control=True) bool

Modifies an existing control data using the multipliers


true if the control was found and modified, false if not

Return type:


set_control_sparse_multipliers(names, control_multiplier, enable_control=True) None

Modifies existing control data using the multipliers

  • names (Array[Name]) – The names of the controls to modify. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

  • control_multiplier (PhysicsControlSparseMultiplier) – The new control multiplier

  • enable_control (bool) – Enables the controls if currently disabled

set_control_sparse_multipliers_in_set(set, control_multiplier, enable_control=True) None

Modifies existing control data using the multipliers

  • set (Name) – The set of controls to modify. Standard sets will include “All”, “WorldSpace”, “ParentSpace” and things like “WorldSpace-ArmLeft”, depending on how controls have been created.

  • control_multiplier (PhysicsControlSparseMultiplier) – The new control multiplier

  • enable_control (bool) – Enables the controls if currently disabled

set_control_target(name, control_target, enable_control=True) bool

Modifies an existing control target - i.e. what it is driving towards, relative to the parent object

  • name (Name) – The name of the control to modify.

  • control_target (PhysicsControlTarget) – The new target for the control

  • enable_control (bool) – Enables the control if it is currently disabled


true if the control was found and modified, false if not

Return type:


set_control_target_orientation(name, orientation, angular_velocity_delta_time, enable_control=True, apply_control_point_to_target=False) bool

Modifies an existing control target - i.e. what it is driving towards, relative to the parent object

  • name (Name) – The name of the control to modify.

  • orientation (Rotator) – The new orientation target for the control

  • angular_velocity_delta_time (float) – If non-zero, the target angular velocity will be calculated using the current target position. If zero, the target velocity will be set to zero.

  • enable_control (bool) – Enables the control if it is currently disabled

  • apply_control_point_to_target (bool) – If true, then the target position/orientation is treated as a “virtual” object, where the system attempts to move the object to match the pose of this “virtual” object that has been placed at the target transform. Use this when you want to specify the target transform for the object as a whole. If false, then the target transform is used as is, and the system drives the control point towards this transform.


true if the control was found and modified, false if not

Return type:


set_control_target_orientations(names, orientation, angular_velocity_delta_time, enable_control=True, apply_control_point_to_target=False) None

Calls SetControlTargetOrientation for each of the control names

  • names (Array[Name]) –

  • orientation (Rotator) –

  • angular_velocity_delta_time (float) –

  • enable_control (bool) –

  • apply_control_point_to_target (bool) –

set_control_target_orientations_from_array(names, orientations, velocity_delta_time, enable_control=True, apply_control_point_to_target=False) bool

Calls SetControlTargetPosition for each element of the control names and positions. These array should match in size.


true if the control/position arrays match, false if they don’t.

Return type:


set_control_target_orientations_in_set(set_name, orientation, angular_velocity_delta_time, enable_control=True, apply_control_point_to_target=False) None

Calls SetControlTargetOrientation for each of the controls in the set

  • set_name (Name) –

  • orientation (Rotator) –

  • angular_velocity_delta_time (float) –

  • enable_control (bool) –

  • apply_control_point_to_target (bool) –

set_control_target_poses(name, parent_position, parent_orientation, child_position, child_orientation, velocity_delta_time, enable_control=True) bool

Calculates and sets an existing control target. This takes the “virtual” position/orientation of the parent and child and calculates the relative control. Note that this will set bApplyControlPointToTarget to true.

  • name (Name) – The name of the control to modify.

  • parent_position (Vector) – The virtual/target parent position

  • parent_orientation (Rotator) – The virtual/target parent orientation

  • child_position (Vector) – The virtual/target child position

  • child_orientation (Rotator) – The virtual/target child orientation

  • velocity_delta_time (float) – If non-zero, the target velocity will be calculated using the current target position. If zero, the target velocity will be set to zero.

  • enable_control (bool) – Enables the control if it is currently disabled


Returns true if the control was found and modified, false if not

Return type:


set_control_target_position(name, position, velocity_delta_time, enable_control=True, apply_control_point_to_target=False) bool

Modifies an existing control target - i.e. what it is driving towards, relative to the parent object

  • name (Name) – The name of the control to modify.

  • position (Vector) – The new position target for the control

  • velocity_delta_time (float) – If non-zero, the target velocity will be calculated using the current target position. If zero, the target velocity will be set to zero.

  • enable_control (bool) – Enables the control if it is currently disabled

  • apply_control_point_to_target (bool) – If true, then the target position/orientation is treated as a “virtual” object, where the system attempts to move the object to match the pose of this “virtual” object that has been placed at the target transform. Use this when you want to specify the target transform for the object as a whole. If false, then the target transform is used as is, and the system drives the control point towards this transform.


true if the control was found and modified, false if not

Return type:


set_control_target_position_and_orientation(name, position, orientation, velocity_delta_time, enable_control=True, apply_control_point_to_target=False) bool

Modifies an existing control target - i.e. what it is driving towards, relative to the parent object

  • name (Name) – The name of the control to modify.

  • position (Vector) – The new position target for the control

  • orientation (Rotator) – The new orientation target for the control

  • velocity_delta_time (float) – If non-zero, the target velocity will be calculated using the current target position. If zero, the target velocity will be set to zero.

  • enable_control (bool) – Enables the control if it is currently disabled

  • apply_control_point_to_target (bool) – If true, then the target position/orientation is treated as a “virtual” object, where the system attempts to move the object to match the pose of this “virtual” object that has been placed at the target transform. Use this when you want to specify the target transform for the object as a whole. If false, then the target transform is used as is, and the system drives the control point towards this transform.


Returns true if the control was found and modified, false if not

Return type:


set_control_target_positions(names, position, velocity_delta_time, enable_control=True, apply_control_point_to_target=False) None

Calls SetControlTargetPosition for each of the control names

  • names (Array[Name]) –

  • position (Vector) –

  • velocity_delta_time (float) –

  • enable_control (bool) –

  • apply_control_point_to_target (bool) –

set_control_target_positions_and_orientations(names, position, orientation, velocity_delta_time, enable_control=True, apply_control_point_to_target=False) None

Calls SetControlTargetPositionAndOrientation for each of the control names

set_control_target_positions_and_orientations_from_array(names, positions, orientations, velocity_delta_time, enable_control=True, apply_control_point_to_target=False) bool

Calls SetControlTargetPositionAndOrientation for each element of the control names, positions and orientations. These array should match in size.


true if the control/position/orientation arrays match, false if they don’t.

Return type:


set_control_target_positions_and_orientations_in_set(set_name, position, orientation, velocity_delta_time, enable_control=True, apply_control_point_to_target=False) None

Calls SetControlTargetPositionAndOrientation for each control in the set

  • set_name (Name) –

  • position (Vector) –

  • orientation (Rotator) –

  • velocity_delta_time (float) –

  • enable_control (bool) –

  • apply_control_point_to_target (bool) –

set_control_target_positions_from_array(names, positions, velocity_delta_time, enable_control=True, apply_control_point_to_target=False) bool

Calls SetControlTargetPosition for each element of the control names and positions. These array should match in size.


true if the control/position arrays match, false if they don’t.

Return type:


set_control_target_positions_in_set(set_name, position, velocity_delta_time, enable_control=True, apply_control_point_to_target=False) None

Calls SetControlTargetPosition for each of the controls in the set

  • set_name (Name) –

  • position (Vector) –

  • velocity_delta_time (float) –

  • enable_control (bool) –

  • apply_control_point_to_target (bool) –

set_control_targets(names, control_target, enable_control=True) None

Modifies existing control targets - i.e. what they are driving towards, relative to the parent objects

  • names (Array[Name]) – The names of the controls to modify. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

  • control_target (PhysicsControlTarget) – The new target for the controls

  • enable_control (bool) – Enables the controls if currently disabled

set_control_targets_in_set(set, control_target, enable_control=True) None

Modifies existing control targets - i.e. what they are driving towards, relative to the parent objects

  • set (Name) – The set of controls to modify. Standard sets will include “All”, “WorldSpace”, “ParentSpace” and things like “WorldSpace-ArmLeft”, depending on how controls have been created.

  • control_target (PhysicsControlTarget) – The new target for the controls

  • enable_control (bool) – Enables the controls if currently disabled

set_control_use_skeletal_animation(name, use_skeletal_animation=True, skeletal_animation_velocity_multiplier=1.000000) bool

Sets whether or not the control should use skeletal animation for the targets

  • name (Name) – The name of the control to modify.

  • use_skeletal_animation (bool) – If true then the targets will be a combination of the skeletal animation (if there is any) and the control target that has been set

  • skeletal_animation_velocity_multiplier (float) – If skeletal animation is being used, then this determines the amount of velocity extracted from the animation that is used as targets for the controls


true if the control was found and modified, false if not

Return type:


set_controls_disable_collision(names, disable_collision) None
  • names (Array[Name]) – The names of the controls to modify.

  • disable_collision (bool) – If set then the control will disable collision between the bodies it connects.

set_controls_enabled(names, enable=True) None

Activates or deactivates controls

  • names (Array[Name]) – The names of the controls to modify. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

  • enable (bool) – Whether to enable/disable the controls

set_controls_in_set_disable_collision(set, disable_collision) None
  • set (Name) – The set of controls to modify. Standard sets will include “All”, “WorldSpace”, “ParentSpace” and things like “WorldSpace-ArmLeft”, depending on how controls have been created.

  • disable_collision (bool) – If set then the control will disable collision between the bodies it connects.

set_controls_in_set_enabled(set, enable=True) None

Activates or deactivates controls

  • set (Name) – The set of controls to modify. Standard sets will include “All”, “WorldSpace”, “ParentSpace” and things like “WorldSpace-ArmLeft”, depending on how controls have been created.

  • enable (bool) – Whether to enable/disable the controls

set_controls_in_set_use_skeletal_animation(set, use_skeletal_animation=True, skeletal_animation_velocity_multiplier=1.000000) None

Sets whether or not the controls should use skeletal animation for the targets

  • set (Name) – The set of controls to modify. Standard sets will include “All”, “WorldSpace”, “ParentSpace” and things like “WorldSpace-ArmLeft”, depending on how controls have been created.

  • use_skeletal_animation (bool) – If true then the targets will be a combination of the skeletal animation (if there is any) and the control target that has been set

  • skeletal_animation_velocity_multiplier (float) – If skeletal animation is being used, then this determines the amount of velocity extracted from the animation that is used as targets for the controls

set_controls_use_skeletal_animation(names, use_skeletal_animation=True, skeletal_animation_velocity_multiplier=1.000000) None

Sets whether or not the controls should use skeletal animation for the targets

  • names (Array[Name]) – The names of the controls to modify. Note that if you have these in a FPhysicsControlNameArray then it can be split.

  • use_skeletal_animation (bool) – If true then the targets will be a combination of the skeletal animation (if there is any) and the control target that has been set

  • skeletal_animation_velocity_multiplier (float) – If skeletal animation is being used, then this determines the amount of velocity extracted from the animation that is used as targets for the controls

property show_debug_body_modifier_list: bool

[Read-Write] Display all the body modifiers and their basic properties when this component is selected



property show_debug_control_list: bool

[Read-Write] Display all the controls and their basic properties when this component is selected



property show_debug_visualization: bool

[Read-Write] Visualize the controls when this component is selected



property teleport_distance_threshold: float

[Read-Write] If the component moves by more than this distance then it is treated as a teleport, which prevents velocities being used for a frame. It is also used as the threshold for teleporting when moving kinematic objects. Zero or negative disables.



property teleport_rotation_threshold: float

[Read-Write] If the component rotates by more than this angle (in degrees) then it is treated as a teleport, which prevents velocities being used for a frame. It is also used as the threshold for teleporting when moving kinematic objects. Zero or negative disables.



update_controls(delta_time) None

Allows manual ticking so that your code can run in between updating the target caches and updating the controls and body modifiers. This allows you to read the targets coming from animation and use those values to create your own controls etc.

To use this function, you should disable ticking of the Physics Control Component, and ensure that the relevant Skeletal Mesh Component (if being used) has ticked, using a tick prerequisite. Then explicitly call (in order) UpdateTargetCaches and UpdateControls as you process your tick.


delta_time (float) –

update_target_caches(delta_time) None

Allows manual ticking so that your code can run in between updating the target caches and updating the controls. This allows you to read the targets coming from animation and use those values to create your own controls etc.

To use this function, you should disable ticking of the Physics Control Component, and ensure that the relevant Skeletal Mesh Component (if being used) has ticked, using a tick prerequisite. Then explicitly call (in order) UpdateTargetCaches and UpdateControls as you process your tick.


delta_time (float) –

property velocity_prediction_time: float

[Read-Write] The time used when “predicting” the target position/orientation. Zero will disable the visualization of this.



property visualization_size_scale: float

[Read-Write] Size of the gizmos etc used during visualization



property warn_about_invalid_names: bool

[Read-Write] Warn if an an invalid control or body modifier name is used. This can happen quite easily since they’re only referenced through names, which are likely auto-generated. However, it may happen for valid reasons, in which case you’ll want to disable this.

