
class unreal.GrassVariety(grass_mesh: StaticMesh = Ellipsis, override_materials: None = [], grass_density: PerPlatformFloat = Ellipsis, grass_density_quality: PerQualityLevelFloat = Ellipsis, use_grid: bool = False, placement_jitter: float = 0.0, start_cull_distance: PerPlatformInt = Ellipsis, start_cull_distance_quality: PerQualityLevelInt = Ellipsis, end_cull_distance: PerPlatformInt = Ellipsis, end_cull_distance_quality: PerQualityLevelInt = Ellipsis, min_lod: int = 0, scaling: GrassScaling = Ellipsis, scale_x: FloatInterval = Ellipsis, scale_y: FloatInterval = Ellipsis, scale_z: FloatInterval = Ellipsis, weight_attenuates_max_scale: bool = False, max_scale_weight_attenuation: float = 0.0, random_rotation: bool = False, align_to_surface: bool = False, use_landscape_lightmap: bool = False, lighting_channels: LightingChannels = Ellipsis, receives_decals: bool = False, affect_distance_field_lighting: bool = False, cast_dynamic_shadow: bool = False, cast_contact_shadow: bool = False, keep_instance_buffer_cpu_copy: bool = False, shadow_cache_invalidation_behavior: ShadowCacheInvalidationBehavior = Ellipsis)

Bases: StructBase

Grass Variety

C++ Source:

  • Module: Landscape

  • File: LandscapeGrassType.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • affect_distance_field_lighting (bool): [Read-Write] Controls whether the primitive should affect dynamic distance field lighting methods.

  • align_to_surface (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the grass instances should be tilted to the normal of the landscape (true), or always vertical (false)

  • cast_contact_shadow (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the grass should cast contact shadows. *

  • cast_dynamic_shadow (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the grass should cast shadows when using non-precomputed shadowing. *

  • end_cull_distance (PerPlatformInt): [Read-Write] The distance where instances will have completely faded out when using a PerInstanceFadeAmount material node. 0 disables. When the entire cluster is beyond this distance, the cluster is completely culled and not rendered at all.

  • end_cull_distance_quality (PerQualityLevelInt): [Read-Write]

  • grass_density (PerPlatformFloat): [Read-Write] Instances per 10 square meters.

  • grass_density_quality (PerQualityLevelFloat): [Read-Write]

  • grass_mesh (StaticMesh): [Read-Write]

  • instance_world_position_offset_disable_distance (uint32): [Read-Write] Distance at which to grass instances should disable WPO for performance reasons

  • keep_instance_buffer_cpu_copy (bool): [Read-Write] Whether we should keep a cpu copy of the instance buffer. This should be set to true if you plan on using GetOverlappingXXXXCount functions of the component otherwise it won’t return any data.*

  • lighting_channels (LightingChannels): [Read-Write] Lighting channels that the grass will be assigned. Lights with matching channels will affect the grass. These channels only apply to opaque materials, direct lighting, and dynamic lighting and shadowing.

  • max_scale_weight_attenuation (float): [Read-Write] Modulate the scale of the instances based on weight (normalized density). The weight range (ScaleWeightAttenuation, 1.0) maps to (scaleMin, scaleMax), weight values less than ScaleWeightAttenuation are set to minScale

  • min_lod (int32): [Read-Write] Specifies the smallest LOD that will be used for this component. If -1 (default), the MinLOD of the static mesh asset will be used instead.

  • override_materials (Array[MaterialInterface]): [Read-Write] Material Overrides.

  • placement_jitter (float): [Read-Write]

  • random_rotation (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the grass instances should be placed at random rotation (true) or all at the same rotation (false)

  • receives_decals (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the grass instances should receive decals.

  • scale_x (FloatInterval): [Read-Write] Specifies the range of scale, from minimum to maximum, to apply to a grass instance’s X Scale property

  • scale_y (FloatInterval): [Read-Write] Specifies the range of scale, from minimum to maximum, to apply to a grass instance’s Y Scale property

  • scale_z (FloatInterval): [Read-Write] Specifies the range of scale, from minimum to maximum, to apply to a grass instance’s Z Scale property

  • scaling (GrassScaling): [Read-Write] Specifies grass instance scaling type

  • shadow_cache_invalidation_behavior (ShadowCacheInvalidationBehavior): [Read-Write] Control shadow invalidation behavior, in particular with respect to Virtual Shadow Maps and material effects like World Position Offset.

  • start_cull_distance (PerPlatformInt): [Read-Write] The distance where instances will begin to fade out if using a PerInstanceFadeAmount material node. 0 disables.

  • start_cull_distance_quality (PerQualityLevelInt): [Read-Write]

  • use_grid (bool): [Read-Write] If true, use a jittered grid sequence for placement, otherwise use a halton sequence.

  • use_landscape_lightmap (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to use the landscape’s lightmap when rendering the grass.

  • weight_attenuates_max_scale (bool): [Read-Write] If enabled the the scale of instances is reduced as the weight (density) decreases

property affect_distance_field_lighting: bool

[Read-Only] Controls whether the primitive should affect dynamic distance field lighting methods.



property align_to_surface: bool

[Read-Only] Whether the grass instances should be tilted to the normal of the landscape (true), or always vertical (false)



property cast_contact_shadow: bool

[Read-Only] Whether the grass should cast contact shadows. *



property cast_dynamic_shadow: bool

[Read-Only] Whether the grass should cast shadows when using non-precomputed shadowing. *



property end_cull_distance: PerPlatformInt

[Read-Only] The distance where instances will have completely faded out when using a PerInstanceFadeAmount material node. 0 disables. When the entire cluster is beyond this distance, the cluster is completely culled and not rendered at all.



property end_cull_distance_quality: PerQualityLevelInt




property grass_density: PerPlatformFloat

[Read-Only] Instances per 10 square meters.



property grass_density_quality: PerQualityLevelFloat




property grass_mesh: StaticMesh




property keep_instance_buffer_cpu_copy: bool

[Read-Only] Whether we should keep a cpu copy of the instance buffer. This should be set to true if you plan on using GetOverlappingXXXXCount functions of the component otherwise it won’t return any data.*



property lighting_channels: LightingChannels

[Read-Only] Lighting channels that the grass will be assigned. Lights with matching channels will affect the grass. These channels only apply to opaque materials, direct lighting, and dynamic lighting and shadowing.



property max_scale_weight_attenuation: float

[Read-Only] Modulate the scale of the instances based on weight (normalized density). The weight range (ScaleWeightAttenuation, 1.0) maps to (scaleMin, scaleMax), weight values less than ScaleWeightAttenuation are set to minScale



property min_lod: int

[Read-Only] Specifies the smallest LOD that will be used for this component. If -1 (default), the MinLOD of the static mesh asset will be used instead.



property override_materials: None

[Read-Only] Material Overrides.



property placement_jitter: float




property random_rotation: bool

[Read-Only] Whether the grass instances should be placed at random rotation (true) or all at the same rotation (false)



property receives_decals: bool

[Read-Only] Whether the grass instances should receive decals.



property scale_x: FloatInterval

[Read-Only] Specifies the range of scale, from minimum to maximum, to apply to a grass instance’s X Scale property



property scale_y: FloatInterval

[Read-Only] Specifies the range of scale, from minimum to maximum, to apply to a grass instance’s Y Scale property



property scale_z: FloatInterval

[Read-Only] Specifies the range of scale, from minimum to maximum, to apply to a grass instance’s Z Scale property



property scaling: GrassScaling

[Read-Only] Specifies grass instance scaling type



property shadow_cache_invalidation_behavior: ShadowCacheInvalidationBehavior

[Read-Only] Control shadow invalidation behavior, in particular with respect to Virtual Shadow Maps and material effects like World Position Offset.



property start_cull_distance: PerPlatformInt

[Read-Only] The distance where instances will begin to fade out if using a PerInstanceFadeAmount material node. 0 disables.



property start_cull_distance_quality: PerQualityLevelInt




property use_grid: bool

[Read-Only] If true, use a jittered grid sequence for placement, otherwise use a halton sequence.



property use_landscape_lightmap: bool

[Read-Only] Whether to use the landscape’s lightmap when rendering the grass.



property weight_attenuates_max_scale: bool

[Read-Only] If enabled the the scale of instances is reduced as the weight (density) decreases

